• This is the test version for Ferran Rodriguez web page. Please go to: www.ferranrodriguez.com for the English version  www.ferranrodriguez.es for the Spanish version www.ferranrodriguez.cat for the Catalan version www.ferranrodriguez.fr for the French version

This is the test version for Ferran Rodriguez web page. Please go to:

www.ferranrodriguez.com for the English version 

www.ferranrodriguez.es for the Spanish version

www.ferranrodriguez.cat for the Catalan version

www.ferranrodriguez.fr for the french version

On this website I would like to show different samples of my art.

On it, you’ll find all kind of art stages, from scribbles till line art and colour, passing through roughs and pencils.

Different styles, themes and licenses will be shown since my beginnings till more recent times.

I hope you’ll like it.




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At the Comiciade 2018

It has been a pleasure beeing part of Comiciade 2018. Mi first contact with this year Comiciade was friday in a primary school. Despite the language barriers, the children have learned how to draw Angry Birds. It was a great experience also for me. And when it started , I was busy sketching non-stop till […]


Ferran Rodriguez at STC25

It will be great to be part of STC 25th year celebration that will take place in Manchester the 3rd of June.

You can still join us at Kickstarter if you haven’t done that yet! (It closes on March 20)

Comiciade 2018

I’ll be attending to Aachen’s third Comiciade, that will take place in the city along the 14th and 15th of April.

It seems we’ll have a brand new settlement but, I’m sure the whole thing will be as good as it was the two previous occasions.

Speech about illustration and comic arts at IES “El Vern”

It’s been great visiting, again, “El Vern”, for delivering a speech about illustration and comic arts. It’s been four years in a row, and it has been, as always, a funny thing. It’s not that all of the ESO’s third degree wanted to become artists, in fact very few of them wanted to, but it […]

Trolls logo

New license added

After inking a couple of “Trolls” stories drawn by Angel Rodríguez, I have become an approved pencil art artist too so, from this moment Dreamworks/Universal have been added to my list of Licenses.

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